
【ベストコレクション】 rise and fall method of levelling 236710-Rise and fall method in levelling ppt

A backsight B intermediate sight C foresight D all of the aboveRise and Fall method is a method of surveying to carrying Bench Mark from a known point to another unknown point In this method BS and FS reading are taken by fly levelling1st take the known point BS reading then take FS readingNow shift the instrument foreword and order 1st BS Staffman to go forewordNow take the take the BS reading which was FS reading of 1st setting12/4/16 · In this method, trigonometric relations are used to find the elevation of a point from angle and horizontal distance so, it is called as trigonometric leveling It is also called as indirect leveling Barometric Leveling Barometer is an instrument used to measure atmosphere at any altitude So, in this method of leveling, atmospheric pressure Leveling In Engineering Survey Equipment Procedure Types Errors Construction How Rise and fall method in levelling ppt

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